55km, conditions good, leg not so much….. So in Brunico (Italy) this morning my Transcontinental journey came to an end, and I scratched (withdrew) at 9:30am. It was an incredibly tough decision but in my heart I know it’s the right call. I felt good energy in the body leaving the hotel but the minute…
Category: From the race

Day 9 – Strap’n’Go
202km, 13:45 elapsed time, 1700m alt gain, good conditions Leaving Klagenfurt this morning was breathtaking. A massive lake ‘see’ which had fantastic cycle paths around it – and being a Sunday it was awesome to see so much active lifestyle on display by the Austrians – swimming, SUP, running, cycling etc – really making the…

Day 8 – Sensational Slovenia
200km, 14.4 hours, 1500m alt gain Today I was quickly out of Croatia and into Slovenia – still a formal crossing checking passports but more of a formality. The day was spent following the huge lime coloured Dravas river through its valleys. The lush green forests and river made exquisite scenery and riding – I…

Day 7 – The Flat Roll
220km, 13h45m time, 350m alt gain, good conditions This mornings section of riding was some of the best I have had on a road bike. Crisp sunrise, smooth roads, unbelievable scenery and very little traffic on my river run route. It was so good that I struggled to stop myself for a proper breakfast which…

Day 6 – The Grind
195km, 12:35 hours, 500 alt gain, headwind Today was not one of those crazy madcap adventure days filled with calamity and daring – it was just a good old fashioned grind into a headwind in the heat on straight roads for hours on end. It is what it is, and I tried to make the…

Day 5 – Српске изненађења (Serbian Surprises)
282km, 18.5 hours riding, 1 732m alt gain, 35.8 high temp Today was a good day, I got my mojo back, the bike ran well, and I covered excellent kms. I am also loving Serbia. The people are as friendly and welcoming as the Bulgarians but the country is a little built up with regular…

Day 3 & 4 – Rains and reunions
250km, 4900 alt gain, 18 hours riding The efforts of parcour 1 and the whole bike fiasco had really left me quite overwhelmed at Sofia. A morning WhatsApp video with kids proved just that and had a moment on the phone with them – shame poor kids on way to school seeing a tearing dad…