200km, 14.4 hours, 1500m alt gain
Today I was quickly out of Croatia and into Slovenia – still a formal crossing checking passports but more of a formality. The day was spent following the huge lime coloured Dravas river through its valleys. The lush green forests and river made exquisite scenery and riding – I am blown away by the beauty of this country. I will let the pictures rather do the talking:
The allure of Austria has been a big marker for me and set the transition from Eastern Europe into Central Europe and the hard work in the mountains that is to come.
Austria did not disappoint with great mountains starting to step up around me and roads with exquisite cycle paths.
I was chasing for Klagenfurt which I made but again by the 180km mark in the day the quad is knackered and really feels like I may do proper damage if I stress it further. So that a game plan, conserve through and day and make a solid 12h effort and see where that gets me.
For every wheel turn I am moving closer to Brest – that’s all that counts 😁👌